The Solution

The More 4 Mann Coalition objectives are as follows:

1) To maintain Horace Mann as an innovative community education center focused on implementing the prevention and intervention strategies for African American students to flourish and be productive members of the community. Future use of the building should reflect the historical cultural significance of the this school building to the African American community (as noted in the Historical Landmark designation) while addressing the current crisis of African American students in Seattle Public Schools. The crisis is particularly worse in the Central District where schools are factually racially segregated.

2) To ensure equitable participation on any renovation and construction at Horace Mann and throughout district. Participation from African American contractors, workers and apprentices/trainees is critical.

3) To work with the district to implement culturally relevant curriculum that does not marginalize and devalue people of African descent and their contributions to Americas and the world.

4) To end racism in school discipline and stop the violation of our students’ constitutional rights by implementing positive discipline strategies that guide children of color towards socially productive academic goals.

5) To end the over-representation of African American students in Special Ed and under-representation of African American students in Advanced Learning.

6) To provide instructional methods from teachers that are culturally appropriate and provide high expectations for ALL students from Pre-K -12 for overall student success and the closure of the achievement gap.

Recognizing that education, the success of our students and lifelong learning opportunities are the foundation of community development, we have activated Africatown Innovation Center, housing an array of innovative education, cultural enrichment and economic development initiative.

Our work aligns with the district’s current strategic plan specifically realizing the goal of educational excellence for African American students.

We believe that all children in Seattle have a right to a quality education and that we as a community should not stand idly by as our children’s education is compromised.  We urge all citizens of Seattle to stand in support of our efforts to partner with Seattle Public Schools to ensure that our common goals of quality education for all children.  Our effort to summon community experts and stakeholders are growing daily and can only be strengthened by an honest collaboration with Seattle Public Schools.

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